How To Use A Strapping Machine?

How To Use A Strapping Machine?

Using a strapping machine can greatly improve efficiency in packaging operations by automating the process of applying and securing strapping to packages or pallets. While the specific steps may vary slightly depending on whether you are using a semi-automatic or fully automatic strapping machine, here’s a general guide on how to use one:

  • Plug in the strapping machine and turn it on. If it is battery or pneumatic operated equipment, make sure that battery is charged or the air compressor is available.
  • Load the strapping material into the machine. Strapping machines are usually used with polypropylene (PP) or polyester (PET) strap bands. Read the manufacturer’s instruction so as to understand how to thread the strapping into the machine.
  • Each strapping machine most commonly come equipped with a tension adjustment knob. Whether it’s a battery-operated or pneumatic machine, ensure that the battery is charged or connected to a compressed air supply.
  • Place the package or bundle in the strapping area of the machine. For semi-automatic machines, this will most likely be a flat plane, or a base on which the machine rests. This is because in automatic strapping machines the package automatically runs on a carrier or is positioned on the line of operation.
  • The machine secures the strap to the package at the standard tension levels which were earlier set.
  • The machine folds the strapping either by heat, friction welding, or metal end seal possible with the specific used machine and types of strapping bands.
  • The advantage for this is that after being brought into contact these two parts, the strap is cut perfectly leaving it tidy and neat.
  • Once the machine has completed the strapping process, the package will either be released by the machine or manually removed.
Safety Tips
  • It is always appropriate to follow the manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid causing a problem to the machine.
  • When working with strapping machines, it is advised to wear gloves as well as protective glasses since strap tension can be dangerous.
  • When you are through with any machine, remember to clean the machine and as well service it if need be.

A semi-automatic or fully automatic strapping machine reduces the general packaging time by minimising the interference of the operator and enhancing the packaging procedures. These machines however when well utilised are versatile in different type of packages they can handle and are key equipment in many industries.

Other Link: The Ultimate Guide to Strapping Machines

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